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Tewaii is focused on providing solutions for islands, from the Indian Ocean to the Indo-Pacific. Islands are some of the most vulnerable areas on Earth. Surrounded by the ocean, the islands' groundwater is prone to saline intrusion and access to resources is restricted.


Add malfunctioning sanitation systems, unprocessed waste, tourism, sea level rise and climate change and you can imagine how the balance of their already sensitive ecosystems is disrupted. Tewaii believes that with the right knowlege we can all contribute to a more resilient future for island states.

Image by Shifaaz shamoon

"Islands have delicate ecosystems, and their preservation requires collective effort"

Tewaii specializes in island solutions for


What we offer

We work with the following partners and knowledge institutes

Wageningen University and Research.png
Resilient Island.png
Image by Jorgen Hendriksen


Thanks for your interest in Tewaii. For more information, feel free to get in touch and we will get back to you soon!

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